Please share these updates with your household, extended family members, friends, especially those who do not have email.
Worship Choral Choir is back.
We practice Thursdays, starting September 12th,
from 7:00 – 8:00pm.
We will prepare for Thanksgiving; come join us!
September 17, 7-9pm
Orientation Night at the church. Come join this fun group of people who Share-Learn-Grow their photography.
We meet 3 x a month from Sept-May, for one night in "the boardroom",
the others by zoom/outing.
Meetings feature speakers, photo reviews, sharing, teaching, learnings & outings.
Click HERE for more information.
September 18, 11AM-12noon
We resume our weekly
Regional Zoom Bible study.
All you need is your Bible and a hot beverage.
Please, let the office know if you would like to attend.
The link will be sent out on the Sunday or Monday (or Tuesday) prior.
Please consider donating non-perishable food items to support the Kelowna and Lake Country food banks, which serve families in need within those communities.
See HERE for items of particular need at this time. Cash Donations will also be encouraged.
Collection dates: September 19-21
If you wish to volunteer for the Food Drive, please contact
Lorenzo at
September 24, 6:30PM To address the hurting and grieving in our community you are invited to a Service of Lament, where we join our voices in lament, pray, sing together, and hear words of hope.
Church Council is calling a special congregational meeting to be held on
Sunday September 29, 2024 at 11:30 am, immediately following the church service in Luther Hall.
This meeting has been called to vote on bylaw revisions. The recommended changes to the bylaws to be voted on have been emailed to all members and are available in the Church Narthex and the church office.
October 3 at 5:30PM at the Mission Creek Park gazebo: We look forward to another blessing for pets and their owners.
Our next Bible study will be
Tuesday, October 8th at 7:00pm at the church and online.
The coffee hour sign up sheet is back. Please consider signing up to bring goodies on a Sunday so it doesn't land on the same people every Sunday.
Thank you!
Thank you for your generous contributions!
Non-perishable food items can be placed on the shelf in the narthex.
The food is appreciated by people who come by the church on a monthly basis.
Donations can also be made on the COFB website, and are always welcome.
Copies of the latest issue are available to borrow on the table in the narthex.
Many grief programs are offered for those who seek comfort and support;
click HERE for more information.
Eternity for Today and Portals of Prayer devotional booklets are available!
You can pick them up Sunday morning, or
at the church office through the week during office hours.
The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program helps make rents affordable for BC seniors with low to moderate incomes. SAFER provides monthly cash payments to subsidize rents for eligible BC residents who are age 60 or over. Existing clients need to reapply each year.For more information, please click HERE.